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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Day 30, Sunday, August 6, 2006

50 this morning 30 miles into the interior of Denali at Teklanika Camp Ground. Rainy, and not much hope of seeing McKinley. Jim caught the 7:55 am bus for his trip into the interior while Ellen stayed with the dogs. Since I (Jim) am writing this blog, I'm not sure what Ellen did all day. She said she cleaned the motor home, walked the dogs, bathed the dogs, etc. ?????. I had a decent trip. Saw a bear up close, one moose, a golden eagle, a lot of caribou in the distance, lot of little rodents, some sheep, wolves, and more bears in the distance. Binoculars are the order of the day to see wildlife. Mostly rain today and therefore clouds hiding McKinley. But I was fortunate enough to get a short break in the clouds at just the right time to get a peek of "The Tall One" - Denali. Not a full view, but the top of the mountain. I just can not explain how "touching" it is to see it. It made my day. Back to camp by 5:00 pm (cocktail hour), a quick steak dinner on the grill, ranger program at 7:30 pm, and a longer walk in the river bed with rubber boots on for the evening finale. On and off rain & cool, sun & hot all day. All and all, not too bad.

Glacial runoff at Toklat
Jim got this rare close-up of a bear on the road side next to the Bus

The first pictures of McKinley taken from the Bus during a brief break in the clouds

Long and winding road into the interior of Denali National Park
Our walk in the river bed behind our campsite


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