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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Friday, September 08, 2006

Day 63, Friday, September 8, 2006

52 this morning in Stewart, BC. And guess what - it's raining!
It rained the entire time we were looking for bears last evening, rained all night, still raining this morning, and the forcast for the next three days - more rain.
We're out of here! We are going to drive southwest away from the coast until we find sunshine.
Should be home in about two weeks.

Bought gas in Stewart on the way out. $3.66.
Bought more in Fraser Lake where we spent the night for $3.62.
Drove 345 miles and we did find sunshine. Not a lot, but thankful for it anyway. Cleared as the sun set and a beautiful full moon with stars in the sky. Even on one of the few clear or partly sunny days in the last two months it would cloud up at night. So the stars were a big welcome to see. I know this stuff is not exciting to read, but it’s what we are thinking at the time.
We are in a Provencial Park so no electricity or internet today. Pictures, if any, next internet connection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim and Ellen!! This is so great that you are sharing your travels with us. Just wanted to say hi. Have a great time! Hope to see you soon. Kay Southall, (that's Kay from Dr. Bryan's office)

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello...Wow what a bear story...I read this everyday. Lots of people asking about you. Can't wait to see you..take care. Patty

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello...Wow what a bear story...I read this everyday. Lots of people asking about you. Can't wait to see you..take care. Patty

2:54 PM  

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