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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Day 58, Sunday, September 3, 2006

46 this morning in Haines, Ak., not too cold, but the rain is back. Rain stopped and the sun began to show through. While it was clearing we updated the blog, did a little laundry, walked the dogs, Ellen made white chili, exercised, and watched the news. Walked into town to have a look around. Visited the museum and the historic Fort Seward. The museum was interesting but nothing really to see at the Fort. We were told good bear viewing was 11 miles up the road where Chilkoot Lake empties via the Chilkoot River into the inlet. The bears come down to eat the salmon as it starts to get dark and all the fishermen go home. So we packed up the motor home and drove there to get a good spot as it is quite a popular area with locals and tourists alike. Arrived around 5:30, found a place to park, and walked up and down the road. Talked to a few others and before we knew it bears were spotted down river feasting on salmon. We walked (raced) towards the area only to suddenly see two Grizzleys much closer to us. Where they came from we don’t know. They weren’t there – then they were! We followed them as they walked down the river bank grabbing salmon after salmon as they went. All of a sudden a bear came out of the bushes right in front of us. I about s—t! He was crossing the road then got a little freaked by someone or something and started towards us. What a rush of adrenalin! He came a little closer before slipping into the bush to the river. We were laughing about a couple who were really startled by the bear as he was right behind them when they turned around and were surprised by how close he was. We had not stopped laughing when we turned to go back up the road to follow the first two wander back up river. Not 20 feet away was yet another big Grizzley staring right at us! We stood still then started to back up slowly. He looked, snarled, hissed, then went on his way. Can’t even come close to describing that feeling! Face-to face with a Grizzley who was obviously not happy to see us in his territory. Then it happened again. A bear was coming out of the woods and crossing the road in front of us. A stupid little kid hanging out of a passing motor home yelled “Bear, there’s a Bear”. The bear freaked and started towards us trying to get away from the stupid little kid – can’t blame him. He looked right at us, reared up on his hind feet, did a little snarle, and moved into the bushes. Wow! We got some pictures but due to the poor lighting and lack of time to stop and think about changing the camera settings, they are not very clear. I’ll post them for you, but the best pictures are the movies I was able to get. Can’t put them on the blog but will share them when we return home. Stayed until almost dark waiting for a “momma” bear and her cub to come to the river. An area resident said she comes down every night at about the same spot we were parked. She never came. We reluctantly left the area wishing we had more daylight, but it was getting too dark. We really wanted to come back again but the ferry to Skagway does not run every day and if we don’t leave tomorrow (Monday) we would have to wait until Thursday morning at 2:00am (not!), or Friday afternoon to leave. Anyway, the next stop after a few days in Skagway will be Hyder, Ak and we hear that it is the best bear viewing area in the state. Can’t wait!

The bear has just caught a salmon
The bears do more than fish


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