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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Friday, September 01, 2006

Day 56, Friday, September 1, 2006

50 this morning in Tok, Ak. It rained late last night and early this morning. What's new? Cloudy, drizzle falling, cool temperature. Forecast is for two more days of rain here. We're moving on South. Problem is, we go through Canadian Customs 100 miles down the road and we have too much alcohol on board. Don't know if we should just spend another day here and get smashed or just declare what we have and pay the duties and taxes. We're going to just pay up at the border. There was a sale on Crown Royal at the Safeway store in Valdez and in my excitement I forgot we were only one day away from Canada. I guess it will turn out to not be such a deal after all. Got lucky! We are allowed only 1 liter of alcohol each or two bottles of wine. The customs agent did ask how much alcohol and I had a list ready for her expecting to be pulled over so we could fill out a declarations form and pay the duty. On the list I had, in addition to various other things totaling about 5.5 liters, 4 bottles of Crown Royal (it was a real bargain in Valdez). She said "4 bottles of Crown Royal???"). I just said yes. She smiled and said "you have a good day and drive safely" and away we went. Whew! We drove 238 miles to Kluane Lake and stayed at the same campground on the lake we loved so much on our way up the Alaska Highway. As beautiful, if not more so, than the first time. The weather cleared and sun came out. Saw lots we did not see due to clouds on the way up. Fall is moving in fast here and all of a sudden the colors are spectacular. What a difference between mountains covered in all green vs. covered in yellow, brown, rust, gold, and green! Walked the beach of Kluane and let the dogs swim again. Finally dry enough for a campfire and halibut on the grill. Good stuff! Big grizzley bear in the campsite next to ours the day before. Campground owners had a picture. Big! But we did not see any.

More colors at Kluane

Kluane camp view

Ah! The Good Life!

Road to Destruction Bay & Kluane Lake
Changing colors


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did the two of you end up doing? Staying an extra day or declaring what you had?
A and M

1:02 PM  

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