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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 53, Tuesday, August 29, 2006

41 this morning in Valdez, Ak. Cool but perfectly clear! Got lucky again because our entire 10 hour glacier viewing cruise in Prince William Sound was sunny! Long day out there today. Saw a black bear, harbor seals, steller sea lions, sea otters, mountain goats, bald eagles, tufted puffins, and more. But no whales and no moose. Really not much wild life at all considering where we are and how long we were out looking today. Locals say it's the norm now days. Glacier views were great as expected, however. Not a lot of calving today at the glacier, but a lot of ice in the water. When the ice does crack it sounds like gunshots and when it hits the water below it sounds like thunder - love it! Will try to add pictures tomorrow. Thanks Alex and Katie for your comments.

Columbia Glacier from afar
Ice from the glacier

The Columbia itself is way in the background. Too much ice in the water to get up close. But look at the size of the "bergs" in the water.
More ice in water with another view of the Columbia in back A panoramic view of the entire mountain range, glacier in background, and icebergs in the water.


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