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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Day 52, Monday, August 28, 2006

A cool 44 this morning at Lake Louise. Clear skys and still great views of the Alaska Range (see yesterday's post & pictures). We got an early start and headed for Valdez. Traveled the most beautiful roads of the entire trip today. So many snow/glacier covered mountains. Will posts pictures, but they never convey the beauty. And yet another beautiful, blue sky day. Many stops along the road again today but we did make Valdez by around 6:00 pm. Valdez is just a little town on Prince William Sound that seems to exist so people can fish. The harbor is full of boats, and everywhere you look people are cleaning the days catch. We're not here to fish, but for the beauty! Water and snow covered mountains - that's what we can see and why we're here. Got in too late to do much today. Walked around the harbor and what little there is of a town to get a "feel" for the area. We plan to stay a few days if the weather holds out. Tomorrow is supposed to be great, then rain for at least the next three. So we are taking a 10 hour glacier tour in the Sound early in the A.M. Found a dog sitter here at the campground. Oh, we stopped at the Copper River Princess Lodge for lunch today. Beautiful place, so-so food. Pictures later in the week. Hopefully a good internet connection here but no time tonight and full day tomorrow. Pictures will be uploaded before we leave here if possible.

Views from the Richardson Highway driving from Anchorage to Valdez

Mt. Drum

Ellen with her new hat at the Princess

Mt Wrangell


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning kids! These pictures are just amazing. What a beautiful place. This one of Mt. Wrangell is awesome. It looks like you're headed to some mythical moutain in heaven. You're headed home now? What route are you taking? Hope you get to check out some of State highway 2, especially through Montana.
Love, Sue*

9:30 AM  

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