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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 71, Saturday, September 16, 2006

34 this morning in Jackson, Wy.
Rain is forcast for today and a low of 24 tonight. Tomorrow, snow early then turning to rain. Currently 33 and overcast (10:30am).
Right now as I'm adding pictures to the blog it's snowing/sleeting/raining. Someone said an inch of slushy snow tonight.
Laundry, house cleaning, ND vs Michigan, and maybe dinner in town tonight if Ellen gets the cleaning done and ND wins.
Tomorrow - east towards home. Should be there by Wednesday or Thursday.


Ellen got the cleaning done and ND lost but we went to dinner anyway. Our first choice was full for the night so we got into a sushi restaurant. Walked downtown and took the city bus back. Nice service - the bus.

Snow did not accumulate today and never amounted to much. No pictures here, it's too cloudy to see anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elle Belle and James,

Those pictures are unbelievable! And, the bear experience, I would have messed myself. But...Jim you're used to living with a snarling, hissing woman. Talk about an animal to fear.

I can't wait to see you guys. Email your arrival and we'll fix a "welcome home" dinner.

Hugs and kisses,

Kathy Jo

ps: When you were in Kalispel, you were minutes from my brother's cabin.

10:02 AM  

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