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THE BTCruisers in Alaska 2006

Jim, Ellen, Will, Isabelle, and Gracie

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 70, Friday, September 15, 2006

42 this morning in Yellowstone. Forecast is for snow tonight. Early check-out time here (10:00am) so we got an early start. Drove around the park to see some sites and some animals. Lots of elk and buffalo. Some deer. No bears! Nowhere near the wildlife we have heard about. However, lots of people! Unbelieveable for this time of year. The big campground we were in last night filled up. Instead of driving the entire park, we decided to go around half of it and do more stopping for the sites, ending our stay in the park with a visit to Old Faithful. It rained most of the day. We got to the geyser at 5:00 pm and had to wait until 5:52 pm - the next expected "blow". Had a glass of wine at one of the lodges (three of them here at Old Faithful alone) then went out to wait. The performance was right on time! However, the show was pretty much a "dud" this time. Oh Well! Drove 85 miles to Jackson at park speed - 45 mph. Didn't get there until 8:30 pm. Found an RV Park close to town with cable and wi-fi. Going to stay here tonight and Saturday so we can watch the game. During the rain today the mountain tops got a dusting of snow and we encountered some freezing rain.

Bison on the road
Another bison on the road


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